
Bing ji(丙吉)

Bing ji (?-55 BC)

His surname is (Bing), his parents gave him the name (Ji), and his friend called him (Shao qing). He was born in Shandong Province, China.

The third place in Chinese number unit. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
happiness. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
A small amount means. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The original meaning is that two people eat face to face. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

He is an outstanding politician.

About (Bing Ji). There is a story about him in the history book.

(Bing Ji) As the prime minister of the Kingdom of Han, one day he sat on the carriage, and the carriage passed a group of people.

This group of people are arguing and fighting.

Many people have been injured and lie on the side of the road.

(Bing Ji) Sitting in the carriage, he didn't seem to see this.

(Bing Ji)'s carriage continued to move forward, at this time (Bing Ji) suddenly saw a shepherd boy on the side of the road, and the shepherd boy led a cow. The cow looks hot, and the cow sticks out its tongue and gasps vigorously.

(Bing Ji) got out of the car and stopped the shepherd boy, and asked the shepherd boy how far he had led the cow.

A very close subordinate of (Bing Ji) felt strange, so he asked (Bing Ji).
Why do you care about this cow, but not those injured?

(Bing Ji) answered. I think that the fact that a group of people are fighting is a local matter, and there will be relevant government officials to handle it.

So I don't need to check it in particular.

It's spring season and the weather should be very comfortable as usual.

But when I saw this cow, it seemed to be very hot, so I think this situation is abnormal.

Abnormal climate will directly affect the crop harvest this year, this impact is nationwide.

I think this is the issue that I should investigate and care about..

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have sufficient authorization for your subordinates at work? Can you tell what are the issues that you should really care about?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.
























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