
Fu Zijian (宓不齊/子賤)

His surname is (Fu). His parents gave him the name (Buqi). When he grew up, his friend called him (Zijian).

It has the meaning of quiet, and it is also one of the Chinese surnames.
It means negative.
Being flat or neat is also one of the Chinese surnames.
The original meaning is baby, and it is also one of the Chinese surnames.
Low status also means low price.

He is one of the best 72 students of Confucius.

About (Zijian). There is a story about him in the history book.

The King of Lu State sent (Zijian) to manage an important city.

This is the first time (Zijian) has undertaken such an important task. So he went to visit a good friend named (Yang). (Zijian) asks (Yang) to give herself some suggestions.

(Yang) said to (Zijian), I am as young as you. So I can't tell you what to do. But I am very good at fishing. I can share some of my fishing knowledge with you.

(Yang) said, I will meet two kinds of fish when fishing.

The first type of fish lives in shallow water. I just dropped the bait and hung the line, and these fish immediately ate the bait and were caught. This type of fish tastes terrible.

The second type of fish lives in deeper water. I put down the bait, and after hanging the line, I spent a lot of time waiting for these fish to eat the bait before I could catch it. This type of fish tastes delicious.

(Zijian) said to (Yang), thank you very much.

When (Zijian) started his new job on the first day, he had not yet reached the door of the office, and he saw many local officials, who had already stood at the door respectfully and greeted him.

At this time (Zijian) remembered what (Yang) said. He thought to himself that the first type of fish had appeared.

When (Zijian) took office for a few weeks, he found that some people in the unit did their job seriously, instead of spending time on socializing and flattering. At this time (Zijian) thought, the second type of fish also made me discover.

So (Zijian) asks them humbly and reuses them.

As a result, this place was managed very well.

Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?
How do you usually judge a person? Use this person's speech or behavior or do you have other special observation points?
I hope this story will help you generate some new gains.



















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