
There is a tiger on the streets of the capital. (三人成虎)

There is a tiger on the streets of the capital.  (三人成虎)

During the Warring States Period in China, wars often occurred between each kingdom.

So there are kingdoms that are allied with each other. Often, they each send their own princes as hostages to other kingdoms to gain mutual trust.

(Wei Kingdom) will send a prince to (Zhao Kingdom) as a hostage.

Because this task is very important, the king specially arranged for his most trusted minister (Pang Chong) to go together.

Before leaving, (Pang Chong) asked the king. If a person told you today that a tiger appeared on the streets of the capital, would you believe it?

The king answered. I certainly don't believe it.

(Pang Chong) asked again. If a second person tells you after a while, a tiger appears on the streets of the capital, would you believe it?

The king thought about it and answered. I still won't believe it.

Then (Pang Chong) asked again. If a third person came to tell you that a tiger appeared on the streets of the capital, would you believe it?

The king answered quickly. Then I will believe it.

(Pang Chong) continued. It is impossible to see tigers on the streets of the capital. This is a very certain thing. But why do you believe this now?

During my absence from the kingdom, there may be many people who hate me take advantage of this opportunity to slander me. Please don't be fooled by these rumors.

The king agreed.

When (Pang Chong) left (Wei Kingdom), there were many people who hated him take advantage of this opportunity to slander him.

The king did not believe these rumors at first, but later, he believed them.

This idiom is used as a metaphor for sometimes rumors can cover up the truth.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

Do you verify what you have heard? How do you verify the facts you know are correct?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



三人成虎 (There is a tiger on the streets of the capital)


















你是否會查證你所聽到的事情呢? 你如何去查證自已所認知的事實是不是對的呢?



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