
Wake up at the first rooster cry (聞雞起舞)

Wake up at the first rooster cry (聞雞起舞)

In the Jin Dynasty of China, there was a famous general whose name was (Zu Ti).

When (Zu Ti) was young, he lived with a good friend named (Liu Kun).

The two of them have the same ambitions and interests.

They all want to join the army, and they all want to serve their country.

One day, when (Zu Ti) was sleeping, he heard a rooster cry.

(Zu Ti) awakened, so he kicked the one sleeping on the same bed (Liu Kun).

(Zu Ti) said to (Liu Kun). Did you hear the rooster crowing?

Because (Liu Kun) was woken up suddenly, he responded angrily. It's normal for a cock to croak in the early morning, which is not surprising.

At this time (Zu Ti) apologized to (Liu Kun) and said. please do not get upset.

I woke up when I heard the rooster cry when I was sleeping.

I have a feeling that this rooster is reminding us to get up quickly to exercise and learn.

We are all still young, and we all want to fulfill our dreams early.

I think we should all get up early afterwards. At the first rooster cry every day, we get up and study. Do you think this idea is good?

When (Liu Kun) heard what (Zu Ti) said, his anger subsided. He smiled and agreed.

This idiom is used to metaphorically have an aspiring person, set a higher standard for himself and study hard.

Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or ideas do you have after listening to this story?

How do you treat your dreams? Like (Zu Ti), or is it delayed every day?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.


聞雞起舞 (Wake up at the first rooster cry)




















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