
I hate your behavior very much. (痛心疾首)

I hate your behavior very much. (痛心疾首)


During the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there were often conflicts between various kingdoms.


The Kingdom of Qin took the initiative to sign a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Jin. But after the signing was completed, the king of Jin Kingdom passed away.


At this time, the king of the Qin Kingdom took advantage of the change of power of the Jin Kingdom and asked the new king of the Jin Kingdom to attack a tribe of neighboring two countries together. The name of this tribe was (Di).


The new king of the Jin Kingdom agreed to the request of the Qin Kingdom and prepared to send troops to attack the (Di) tribe.


But the king of the Qin Kingdom secretly sent an emissary to meet the leader of the (Di) tribe, and the emissary said to the leader of the (Di) tribe.

I heard that Jin Kingdom is ready to attack you, so you should be prepared to fight back.


At the same time, the king of the Qin Kingdom secretly sent a person to meet the king of the Chu Kingdom, and the messenger said to the king of the Chu Kingdom.

Now the new king of the Jin Kingdom has just taken office, and the political situation is unstable, so we should form a joint force to attack the Jin Kingdom.


These actions of the Qin Kingdom were later discovered by the new king of the Jin Kingdom, and the new king of the Jin Kingdom wrote a letter to the king of the Qin Kingdom.

It is written in this letter that you are too untrustworthy, and I feel very disgusted and hate your actions, so I decided not to ally with you.


These actions of the Qin Kingdom were also known to the various kingdoms. The kings of all the kingdoms were very angry, so everyone united to attack the Qin Kingdom.


The Kingdom of Qin was defeated.


This idiom is used to describe feelings of disgust and hatred for a person's behavior.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

In your life experience, have you ever met someone like the king of the Qin Kingdom? How do you tell if others are deceiving you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



痛心疾首(I hate your behavior very much.)





























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