
Does your knowledge stand up to practical verification (紙上談兵)

 Does your knowledge stand up to practical verification (紙上談兵)

During the Warring States Period in China, the king of the Zhao Kingdom faced a choice.


The war between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Zhao has been deadlocked for a long time.

Therefore, he wanted to appoint another young general as the front-line commander in chief. The young general's name is (Zhao Kuo).


(Zhao Kuo)'s father is dead, but his father was a great general of the Zhao Kingdom when he was alive.

(Zhao Kuo) very much admired his father's ability to defend the kingdom, so he studied many books on war methods since he was a child.


(Zhao Kuo)'s father and him often discussed many important battles in Chinese history.

In response to these cases, (Zhao Kuo)'s comments are also very accurate.


But his father is very worried, because his father can see his pride and arrogance from (Zhao Kuo)'s expression.

His father repeatedly warned him before his death.


I believe the knowledge you get from reading books is useful. But if you really go on the battlefield, you must remain flexible and cautious.

War is not as simple as playing a game. War is cruel. Every decision you make may affect the life or death of everyone.


(Zhao Kuo) After hearing his father's warning, he didn't take it seriously. He despised his father's motto.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom finally decided to appoint (Zhao Kuo) as the commander-in-chief of the war.


The outcome of this war was tragic. Zhao Kingdom was defeated. 400,000 soldiers in Zhao Kingdom were killed.


This idiom is used to describe some people who are familiar with theory but cannot solve practical problems.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you actually apply the knowledge you have acquired and then review the results of the practice? Do you keep an open mind when facing other peoples warnings?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



紙上談兵(Does your knowledge stand up to practical verification)





























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