
Please leave only one side of the net (網開一面)

Please leave only one side of the net (網開一面)

The name of the founding king of the Shang Dynasty in China was (Zi Lu).

About (Zi Lu). There is a story about him in history books.


When (Zi Lu) was young, he was the leader of a tribe in China.

One day, when he went for a walk in the countryside, he saw a hunter from his tribe who was making traps for catching birds.


(Zi Lu) thought it was interesting, so he stopped to watch.

This person first hung a large net on the east side of a forest, and then hung a large net on the south side of the forest.

Then he hung a large net on the west side of the forest, and then a large net on the north side of the forest.


After the nets on all four sides were set up, the man began to pray.

My god, I sincerely pray to you here, asking you to let me catch all the birds in this forest, so that I can have a good harvest today.


(Zi Lu) Seeing this way, he went over to talk to this person.

I have heard your prayers, but I want to share my thoughts with you.

If you catch all the birds today, what else can you catch tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?


So I suggest that you should only hang up one net and remove the other three nets.

Hearing the advice of the leader of the tribe, this man did so according to (Zi Lu)'s advice.


(Zi Lu) Looking at the only net left, he prayed once.

All the birds in this forest, fly everywhere as you like. If you want to fly to the left, go to the left, and if you want to fly to the right, go to the right.

But if you feel that your life is enough, then fly into this net.


This idiom is used to describe a person who treats people and things around him with a broad mind.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you think many of us in modern times have the same ideas as this hunter? How do we change ourselves to jointly maintain ecological sustainability?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



網開一面(please leave only one side of the net)
































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