
The wild goose shot by an invisible arrow (驚弓之鳥)

The wild goose shot by an invisible arrow (驚弓之鳥)


In China's Warring States Period. One day, the king of the Wei Kingdom was with a famous marksman. The name of this marksman is (Geng Ying).


(Geng Ying) saw a bird flying towards them from a distance.

(Geng Ying) Said to the king. I can shoot that bird without arrows.


The king answered with a laugh. This is impossible.

(Geng Ying) Answer the king. Let me show it to you.


After a few minutes, the bird flew over them. It was a wild goose.

(Geng Ying) picked up the bow and drew it to the full, then let go of the bowstring.

The wild goose wailed and fell to the ground.

The king was very surprised. This is incredible. How did you do it.


(Geng Ying) answered. I saw this goose flying towards us from a distance. It flew very slowly, so I guessed it should have been injured, and the wound has not healed completely.


I feel sad when I hear its cry. So I guess its mentality must be very anxious, it must want to fly faster, he wants to catch up with the geese flying in front.


At this moment, it suddenly heard the sound of bowstrings.

It panicked and wanted to fly higher to avoid the bow and arrow attack.

The wound that it had not fully healed ruptured as a result, so it fell to the ground.


This idiom is used to describe a person who has been hurt before and is afraid of being hurt again.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Have you had the same experience as this wild goose? Can you face your inner pain and overcome your fear of being hurt again?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



驚弓之鳥(The wild goose shot by an invisible arrow)





























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