
Words have no wings but they fly faster than they fly (不翼而飛)

 Words have no wings but they fly faster than they fly (不翼而飛)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a newly appointed king in the Qi Kingdom. His name was (Jiang Xiaobai).

He was very young when he took office. The age that still likes to play.


Therefore, he arranged a travel plan for himself. He wanted to see everywhere in his kingdom.

He wanted to go east to play in the water. Then go south by the beach, walking and playing along the way.


An old minister of the Qi Kingdom heard this plan of the king and told the king that he could refer to the old king's itinerary.

The young king didn't know the schedule of the old king, so he asked a wise minister in the country.

The wise minister said to him.


I am very supportive of your trip. What do you want from this trip? Does your trip have a purpose?

There are four reasons for the king of a kingdom to travel.


The first is that the king travels in the spring. The king can visit the farmers in the kingdom. Is there enough seeds to plant? Is there any place that needs government assistance?


The second is that the king goes on a trip in the autumn. At this time, the purpose of the trip is to care about the farmers' harvest this year. If it is not good, the government should arrange a subsidy plan.


The third is that the king has no purpose in traveling, he just wants to hang out, and in order to support his trip, he may also increase the people's taxes.


The fourth is that the king doesn't want to work at all. He evades his responsibilities, so he spends more days traveling than he does at work.


The old king usually chose the first two travel purposes. So the people in our kingdom live very richly.


Which one do you choose?


After the new king listened. He thanked the wise minister.

The wise minister saw that the new king was very humble. He continued to speak to the king.


There are several things in our lives that we can’t see, but these things can have a great impact on us.

The first is words, and the second is the emotions between people. The third is the change of the natural environment.


You are now a king, so I suggest that you should be cautious about what you say, care about the needs of the people, and face changes in the environment with a serious attitude.

If you do this, I believe our country will continue to prosper and prosper.

The new king once again thanked the wise minister.


This idiom only extracts one sentence in the story, and it is mainly used as a metaphor for having to be cautious with one's own words, because it will spread quickly as soon as you export it.


But over time, it is now used as a metaphor for the loss of objects for no reason.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you like traveling? What if you like your purpose of traveling? Do you think these three things we can't see are important?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




不翼而飛(Words have no wings but they fly faster than they fly)












































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