
You have a dispute with me, but he gets the benefits (鷸蚌相爭 漁翁得利)

 You have a dispute with me, but he gets the benefits (鷸蚌相爭 漁翁得利)


During the Warring States Period in China, the Kingdom of Zhao was ready to send a large army to attack the Kingdom of Yan.


There is a wise man whose name is (Su Dai). He wants to stop this war. He went to meet the king of the Zhao Kingdom.

When the two of them met, (Su Dai) told a story.


Today I took a boat across the river when I was about to reach the palace. I saw a mussel sitting on the shore basking in the sun. The mussel opened his shell and felt very leisurely.

Suddenly, a snipe flew over quickly, and he stretched out his long beak and pecked at the mussel body.

The mussel was taken aback, and in an instant, he closed his shell, and the snipe's beak was clamped.


They were in a stalemate for a while.


The snipe said to the mussel. You let me go quickly, or you will die of thirst.

The mussel laughed when he heard this, he said to the snipe. I'm not that stupid. I can't let you go. I will wait for you to starve to death before I open my mussel shell.


I stopped and wanted to see how it would develop in the future.

Unexpectedly, in less than five minutes, a fisherman walked over, and the fisherman saw the two of them restraining each other.

The fisherman grabbed the snipe with his left hand. Grab the mussel with his right hand. Take them both go together.


My king, please imagine. If today our Zhao Kingdom is the snipe, the Yan Kingdom is the mussel, who is the fisherman?

I think it might be the Kingdom of Qin.


My clever king, please consider again whether to start this war.

The king of the Zhao Kingdom finally decided not to send troops to attack the Yan Kingdom.


This idiom is used to describe a situation where the two sides are in a stalemate, and as a result, the bystanders gain benefits.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

In your life experience, has there been any analogy with this story? If you are the mussel or the snipe, facing the moment when the fisherman is about to catch you, do you still insist on not letting go?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.




鷸蚌相爭 漁翁得利(you have a dispute with me, but he gets the benefits)































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