
I sincerely ask for your forgiveness (負荊請罪)

 I sincerely ask for your forgiveness (負荊請罪)


During the Warring States Period in China, there was a minister named (Lin Xiangru) in the Zhao Kingdom.

Because he made a great contribution to Zhao Kingdom.

So the king of the Zhao Kingdom hired him as the prime minister of the kingdom.


There was a famous general in the Zhao Kingdom, his name was (Lian Po), and he was very unhappy when he heard this.

(Lian Po) complained to other ministers.

How many victories I have won for our kingdom, and how many injuries I have suffered to protect our kingdom. I was finally promoted to my current position.


(Lin Xiangru) came from a humble background, he got a higher position than me because of one contribution. So I was very angry.

Therefore, if I meet him, I will use the most vicious words to humiliate him.


Some of these ministers told (Lin Xiangru) of (Lian Po)'s complaint.

(Lin Xiangru) Not angry, he did something that puzzled everyone.


Starting from this day, as long as there is a party that (Lian Po) attends, he will not attend.

As long as he saw (Lian Po) walking towards him, he would immediately go another way.

He does not have direct contact with (Lian Po).


One day, two days, one week, two weeks passed.

(Lin Xiangru)'s good friends saw his behavior, everyone was very angry.

These good friends said to (Lin Xiangru). You are too cowardly, you are too timid, you have not made a mistake, why do you want to avoid (Lian Po).


(Lin Xiangru) did not answer directly. He asked his friends.

Let me ask you a question. If (Lian Po) and the king of the Qin Kingdom appeared at the same time, who would you be more afraid of?

Friends answered. Of course it is the king of the Qin Kingdom. He controls a powerful army. Who is not afraid of him.


(Lin Xiangru) said. That's right, everyone is more afraid of the king of the Qin Kingdom.

But at the dinner, I dared to confront him face to face in order to win the honor of our kingdom.

I'm not afraid of the king of the Qin Kingdom, so how can I be afraid of (Lian Po)?


The reason I will do this is because my consideration is different from yours.

Lian Po is the bravest general in our kingdom.

If I fight back (Lian Po) just to defend my dignity.

The result will not only affect the two of us, but more importantly, it will cause disharmony among all ministers.


If the ministers in our kingdom are not in harmony, the surrounding kingdoms will take the opportunity to invade us.

My dignity is of course important, but I think the safety of the entire kingdom is more important.


Some of these friends told (Lian Po) what (Lin Xiangru) thought.

(Lian Po) felt very regretful.

He didn't know how to express his apology specifically.


He has been in the military all his life and has a very direct and frank personality.

He thought for several days, and he thought of a way.


He went to pluck many thorns, then left his upper body naked, carried these thorns on his back, and then walked to (Lin Xiangru)'s home.

When the servant of (Lin Xiangru) at home informed him that (Lian Po) was visiting, he was taken aback.

He hurried out to meet.


When (Lian Po) saw (Lin Xiangru), he said to him.

Compared with you, you have a broad mind, but I am a stupid and narrow-minded person.


(Lin Xiangru) ran over and took (Lian Po)'s hand, and he saw (Lian Po)'s back was covered with blood left over from the thorns.

(Lin Xiangru) was able to react quickly and respond to the king of the Qin Kingdom at the dinner, but at this moment he didn't know what to say.



The two of them stood silently.

The two of them later became best friends.


This idiom is used to describe one person confessing his mistakes to another person and asking for forgiveness.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

When faced with other people's rudeness to you, will you immediately fight back or will you be tolerant? If you were (Lian Po), how would you express your apology with specific actions?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



負荊請罪(I sincerely ask for your forgiveness)
















他從這一天開始, 只要有(廉頗)參加的聚會,他就不參加。





















































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