
Shen Zhuliang(沈諸梁)

Shen Zhuliang( (?BC- ?BC)

His last name is (Shen), his parents gave him the name (Zhu Liang), and when he grew up, his friends called him (Zigao).


The name of a river in ancient China. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

This word means many. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The beam supporting the roof. It is also one of the Chinese surnames.

The original meaning is baby, and it is also one of the Chinese surnames.

High meaning. . It is also one of the Chinese surnames.


He is an outstanding statesman. He is the common ancestor of all Chinese surnamed Ye.

About (Shen Zhuliang). An interesting little story about him is recorded in the history book.


During the Spring and Autumn Period of China, the king of the Chu Kingdom rewarded his minister (Shen Zhuliang) a city. The name of this city is (Ye).

(Shen Zhuliang) Governed the city very well. He lived here until his death.

Therefore, many people respect him very much and call him (Ye Gong).


(Ye Gong) likes dragons very much. Dragons in China and dragons in the Western world are different kinds of animals.

The Chinese dragon is one of the most noble animals in Chinese legends.

But no one has actually seen a dragon


(Ye Gong) will match dragon-shaped accessories on his clothes.

There are also dragons on his tableware. His house is full of dragon carvings.

Everyone knows that he likes dragons very much.


The legendary dragon living in the sky also knew about it, this dragon thought.

My body is too big, bigger than all the animals that live on the ground.

So if someone sees me, that person will feel scared.

I was also worried about frightening people, so I had to hide in the sky.


But (Gong Ye) likes me so much. I think I should be able to become friends with him. If I show up in front of him, he will be very happy to see me.

The dragon flew down from the sky, and he landed at (Gong Ye's) home.

But because his body is really too big, his head is bigger than the window, so he can only look inside the house from the window. His body surrounds the house, and only the tip of his tail can reach into the house.


(Gong Ye) was in his own home at that time, he suddenly saw the big eyes of the dragon outside the window, he was shocked.

He quickly opened the door and wanted to rush out, but he saw that the whole house was surrounded by the dragon's body, and he was even more seriously frightened.

He was trembling all over, so he had to hide under the bed and dare not move.


This story is also an idiom.( He doesn't like dragons as much as he shows)

(葉公好龍)-( He doesn't like dragons as much as he shows)

This idiom is used to describe the inconsistency of what some people say with their actual actions.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you have a favorite item or a lifestyle you look forward to? Have you ever thought about it, when you own something, you must also accept the derivative problems that it brings to you?

I hope this story will give you some new gains.



沈諸梁(Shen Zhuliang)









































(葉公好龍)( He doesn't like dragons as much as he shows)







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