
Why are my customers dwindling(酒酸不售)

 Why are my customers dwindling(酒酸不售)



During the Warring States Period in China, a famous thinker (Han Fei), he wrote a story.


There is a man in the Song Kingdom who has been working in a brewery since he was young.

He studied very hard. After several years, he has developed great winemaking skills.


He felt that the time was ripe and he opened a shop on his own.

The decoration of his shop is very beautiful, and he hangs the signs very high and conspicuously.


When it first opened, business was very good, because his wine was good, he was very polite and sincere.

But after a month passed, his business was getting worse and worse.


He was very upset, he didn't know where the problem was.

His business is very poor, his customers are few, and all the wines he brewed are overdue.


So he had to ask an old man who had lived there for a long time.

The old man felt very puzzled when he heard his question.

The old man went to his shop and actually observed it for a week.


A week later, the old man said to him.

I finally found the reason for your bad business.


He answered happily.

That's great, where is the problem.


Said the old man.

The problem lies with the dogs you have.


He was very puzzled.

What does my dog ​​have to do with bad business?


The old man said with a smile.


Your winemaking skills are very good, but you know too little about your customers.


Many of your customers are sending his servants to buy wine.

When these servants arrived at your shop, the dogs barked at him, so these servants went to another shop to buy wine.


Many of your customers are ordering his children to buy wine.

When these children arrive at your store, the dogs bark at him, so these children go to another store to buy wine.


This is why your business is getting worse and worse.



This idiom is used to describe a person who is not good at running a company.

This idiom also reminds us that in addition to our own ability to succeed, there are many external reasons that we have to consider.


Dear friend, what inspiration or ideas do you have after hearing this story.

Do you think that as long as a single element is established, one thing can succeed? Have you ever thought that among your customers, the real decision-maker and the executor may be two different people?

I hope this story will give you a little bit of gain.



酒酸不售(Why are my customers dwindling)



































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