
He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance(不修邊幅)

 He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance(不修邊幅)


During China's Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was a famous politician and writer whose name was (Yan Zhitui).


He wrote a book for his descendants. The title of this book is (The Family Instructions of Yan Family).


This book not only affects his descendants, but also affects many Chinese.


He wrote in the preface of this book why he wrote this book.


My parents have been paying attention to my education since I was young, and they always remind and guide me how to become a person who knows etiquette.


My father died when I was nine years old. The responsibility of supporting the whole family fell on my elder brother. My elder brother loved me very much, but he was too busy to correct my mistakes anytime and anywhere.


My teenage years were very rebellious, I indulged my desires and unbridled my words. I don't pay attention to my clothes and appearance. This situation continued until I was almost 20 years old.


I think back to the absurd life when I was young. At that time, I often deceived others. What was more serious was that I deceived myself. The good and evil in my heart often fought, but the result was usually malicious victory.


When I am an adult, I want to get rid of my shortcomings and make myself a better person, but because of long-term habits,

So my process of changing myself didn't go smoothly at the beginning.


Later, before going to bed every day, I would think back to my life that day and I must reflect on the mistakes of that day.

I remind myself that starting tomorrow, I cannot make the same mistake again.

It took me a long time to correct my many bad habits one by one.


I think of these past events, so I wrote this book to you. I hope you will not make the same mistakes like me.

I hope that you will not only read the admonitions in this book, but also take practical actions to practice them.


The meaning of this idiom is to describe a person who does not pay attention to his clothes and appearance.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts did you have after hearing this story.

Do you pay attention to your own clothes and appearance? Have you worked hard to improve yourself as an adult?

I hope this story will give you some new gains



不修邊幅(He doesn't pay attention to his clothes and appearance)






































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