
Find and make up for omissions and deficiencies. (裨補闕漏) /Let everyone do the job that suits him. (優劣得所)

Find and make up for omissions and deficiencies. (裨補闕漏)

Let everyone do the job that suits him. (優劣得所)


During China's Three Kingdoms period, China had three main kingdoms. Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


The name of the king of Shuhan Kingdom is (Liu Bei).

After his death his throne was succeeded by his 16-year-old son (Liu Chan).


Because (Liu Chan) was too young, the person who really held the national power at that time was the prime minister of the Kingdom of Shu, whose name was (Zhuge Liang).


Four years after (Liu Bei) died, (Zhuge Liang) was ready to send troops to fight, and before he set off, he wrote a letter to (Liu Chan).


Part of the letter reads as follows.


During the period when I led the army to go out to fight, you can consult (Guo Youzhi), (Fei Yi) and (Dong Yun) the opinions of these three people on anything in the kingdom.

If you are going to introduce a new policy, you should discuss it fully with them before implementing it.


Each of us has our own thinking habits and prejudices.

In the process of discussing with them, you will definitely find that there are omissions and deficiencies in your ideas.

You can make up for these deficiencies and omissions in advance, so that the policy you want to implement can be carried out smoothly.


I also arranged for the general (Xiang Chong) to be responsible for the security of the capital area and to protect your safety.

He is a very talented person, he can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each person, and then arrange these people in their respective positions. His subordinates trust him, and the army he manages is very united.


More importantly, these people are all kind and honest, and they are all trusted by your father, and they are very loyal to our kingdom.


There are two sentences in this paragraph.


The first idiom means to find and make up for omissions and deficiencies.

The second idiom means to let everyone do his suitable work.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think is more important between a person's character and work ability? Do you think it is more important to do a job that suits your personality or to make a lot of money?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




裨補闕漏(Find and make up for omissions and deficiencies.)

優劣得所(Let everyone do the job that suits him.)






































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