
You can't douse a pile of burning wood with just a glass of water(杯水車薪)

You can't douse a pile of burning wood with just a glass of water(杯水車薪)


(Li Er) is one of the most famous thinkers and philosophers in China. Later generations called him (Lao Tzu).

He wrote a book, which is the famous Tao Te Ching.



He has a student named (Wen Tzu).


The student wrote a book in which many of his words are recorded.


There is a passage in this book.


A hammer can strike anything but it cannot strike itself.

We can see distant objects, but we cannot see our own eye sockets.


A high mountain will make people feel safe and stable, and there will naturally be fish and turtles in a large pond.


A small pond will overflow when it encounters a heavy rain, and it will dry up when it encounters a drought.

But the water of the sea is not like that.


A turtle has no ears but his eyes are bright, a blind man cannot see but his ears are good at listening.


Is cloudy water just for washing feet? Does clean water have to be used only for washing hair?


A good piece of cloth, we can use to make hats or socks.

Will the cloth become more noble if it is made into a hat and worn on the head?

Will the cloth become less noble if it is made into socks and worn on the feet?


Metal can overcome wood, but a knife cannot cut down a forest.

Soil can restrain water, but a handful of soil cannot block a river;.

Water can suppress fire, but a glass of water cannot put out a pile of burning wood.


This idiom is used to describe a person who wants to solve a problem but his ability is too small.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you only see the advantages of others but not your own? How do you determine whether a person is noble, because of his status or because of his morals?

I'm expecting this story to give you something new to gain?



杯水車薪(You can't douse a pile of burning wood with just a glass of water)
















一座高山會使人感到安全而且穩定, 一個大的池塘裏面自然會有魚鱉出現。





鱉沒有耳朵而眼睛卻是明亮的, 瞎子眼睛看不見但他的而耳朵善於傾聽。


混濁的水就只能用來洗腳嗎? 乾淨的水就一定只能用來洗頭嗎。






金屬可以剋制木頭, 但是一把刀不能砍伐一片森林。

泥土可以剋制水, 但是一把尼土不能堵塞一條河;。

水可以剋制火, 但是一杯水不能澆滅一堆正在燃燒的木頭。













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