
The country's treasury is depleted and its people are tired(財殫力痡)

The disadvantages of doing this outweigh the advantages(功不補患)


There was a famous writer in the Tang Dynasty. He uses simple words to express real and profound emotions. His name is (Li Hua).


Once, he wrote an article after visiting the site of an ancient battlefield, which became his representative work.


The sixth paragraph of this article is as follows.


My mind pulled back to reality, and I thought about the historical stories I had read.


The kingdom of the Warring States Period had a famous general named Li Mu.

He did not have many resources, but when attacked by the northern peoples, he successfully led his soldiers to victory.

He kept the border between the two countries peaceful for more than a decade.


The kings of the Han Dynasty spent a long time fighting against the peoples of the north with all their might, and the result, despite their victories, led to the exhaustion of the treasury and the fatigue of the people.


This leads me to the conclusion that the key to winning a war is not the adequacy of resources, but the decisions of the leaders.


I remembered a few other historical stories.


The Zhou Dynasty once fought against the northern peoples, and the Zhou Dynasty's army did not continue to pursue after defeating the northern peoples.

The Zhou Dynasty strengthened the defense of the border between the two countries and maintained peace with the northern peoples.

In this battle, the army of the Zhou Dynasty suffered very few losses, and the history books recorded that a grand ceremony was held to celebrate and record this victory.


There was no harmony between the Qin Dynasty and the northern peoples. In order to resist the attacks of the northern peoples, the Qin Dynasty used many people to build the Great Wall, causing many casualties in the process of construction.


During the Han Dynasty, it took the initiative to attack the northern peoples.

The Han Dynasty sacrificed a lot of soldiers and spent a lot of money and finally captured and occupied the important base of the northern peoples.


The king of the Han Dynasty considered this to be his great feat. But I think the losses of this victory outweigh the benefits.


The meaning of this idiom is used to describe a country whose treasury is depleted and its people are tired.

This idiom means that the loss of a victory outweighs the gain.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

How do you define victory? Do you think the only way to destroy your enemies is through war, or are there other ways?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




財殫力痡(The country's treasury is depleted and its people are tired)

功不補患(The disadvantages of doing this outweigh the advantages)










































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