
They are family friends(八拜之交)

They are family friends(八拜之交)


In the Song Dynasty of China, there was a famous scholar whose name was Shao Bowen.

He wrote a book with anecdotes from many famous people of the time.


There is a story in this book.

There is an important official in Beijing named Han Qi. He was very old, and he was a big-hearted man. All the officials respected him.


At that time, a young official in Beijing in charge of transporting grain was named (Li Ji).

He was in such an important position at such a young age that he was arrogant. He despised everyone.


He has been very rude to (Han Qi) many times, but (Han Qi) just smiled and didn't mind.


After (Han Qi) was transferred from this position, another minister who was very old and experienced took over the position.

The minister's name is (Wen Yanbo).


After (Wen Yanbo) took office, all the officials in Beijing came to congratulate him one by one.

(Li Ji) is no exception.


(Li Ji) arrived at (Wen Yanbo)'s home.

He sat in the reception room and waited for a long time, but (Wen Yanbo) never showed up.


After waiting for several hours, (Wen Yanbo) finally arrived at the reception room.

(Li Ji)'s father was a student of (Wen Yanbo), and he knew (Wen Yanbo) when he was a child.


(Wen Yanbo) said to him when he saw him.

By etiquette, I am older than you and I am your superior. You should make four salutes to me. But my relationship with you is more than that.

Your father is my student, so you are the son of my student, so I think you should do the eight salute to me.


When (Li Ji) had done eight salutes to him, he asked (Li Ji).

Do you think I am a very annoying elder?

(Li Ji) After a moment of silence, he nodded gently.


(Wen Yanbo) said. I knew you when you were very young, your father was a wonderful man, but he passed away very young.

So he has no chance to share a very important life experience with you.


This important life lesson is that we must understand that none of us are perfect, so we should have some respect for everyone.


You have held such an important position at such a young age, and your future is very bright.

I have heard that you are very proud, and if you do not change your arrogant personality, it will cause great trouble in your future life.


I take this opportunity to tell you this, because I value you very much, I treat you as my child, and I hope you can understand my heart.


This idiom is used to describe two people who are family friends


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you consider yourself smarter than everyone else? Do you maintain a certain respect and courtesy towards everyone?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



八拜之交(They are family friends)




















































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