
In this particular case, if you kill him, the law holds you innocent. (格殺勿論)


In this particular case, if you kill him, the law holds you innocent. (格殺勿論)


In Chinese history, the dynasty that lasted the longest was the Zhou Dynasty, whose founder was (Ji Fa).

His younger brother (Ji Dan) was the most prominent statesman in the early Zhou Dynasty.


(Ji Dan) wrote a book.

This book contains the bureaucracy of the Zhou Dynasty, and the book also details the legal norms that the common people should abide by.


There is a passage in this book as follows.


If there is a debt dispute among the people, as long as the people can provide the loan contract as evidence, the judicial unit should accept the lawsuit.


When purchasing and selling goods, the public should abide by the commercial sales laws stipulated by the state, and violators will be punished.


If there are robbers who forcibly use force to take other people's property, if there are thieves who steal, if these robbers or thieves kill people in the process of committing crimes, and if the victims kill these robbers or thieves in the process of resisting, then these victims should be sentenced innocent.


If you want to take revenge, you must first report to the judicial officers in writing, and then you can take revenge after review.



This idiom means that if a bad guy commits a crime and you kill him, you are not guilty by law.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Does the country you live in have a fair legal system? How do you feel about the death penalty?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



格殺勿論(In this particular case, if you kill him, the law holds you innocent.)





























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