
Many people are singing and playing musical instruments, and these people's emotions are like a pot of boiling water.(笙歌鼎沸)

Many people are singing and playing musical instruments, and these people's emotions are like a pot of boiling water.(笙歌鼎沸)


The Song Dynasty in China is divided into two periods by historians.

The first stage was the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 AD).

The second stage was the Southern Song Dynasty (AD-1127 to AD 1279).


In 1129 AD, the Southern Song Dynasty moved the capital to the city (Lin'an), which is the current Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province.


After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, a scholar named (Wu Zimu) wrote a book.


This book records many customs in Lin'an City before the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, and also depicts the urban landscape at that time and the daily life of people of various identities living in the city.


A passage in this book describes it as follows.


There is an important festival on the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar every year, and the name of this festival is (Cold Food Festival).

The direct translation means that no fire can be used to cook any food on this day.

This day is also the day when underage men and women hold their coming-of-age ceremonies.


After the (Cold Food Festival), the fifth day of the third month of the lunar calendar is another very important festival. This festival is the (Qingming Festival).

On this day, no matter the king, nobles or ordinary people, everyone will go to the cemetery on the outskirts of the city to hold a worship ceremony to honor their ancestors.


On this day, almost everyone has to go out of the city, so there will be traffic jams from morning to night.


On the grass or in the garden in the suburbs, you can see many families sitting on the grass eating and drinking together after the worship ceremony.

On the lakes or rivers in the suburbs, you can see many families sitting on boats to eat and drink together after the worship ceremony.


On this day every year, the suburbs of Hangzhou are very lively.

You will hear many people singing and playing musical instruments on the outskirts of Hangzhou city, and these people's emotions are like boiling water in a pot.


There were a lot of people and everyone was laughing and talking very loudly.

Even if you are standing in heaven, you should be able to hear the laughter of these people on this day.


The event will be held until the sun goes down and the moon comes out. All the talents returned to their homes in the city one after another with satisfaction.


This idiom means that many people are singing and playing musical instruments, and these people's emotions are like a pot of boiling water.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Is there a holiday in your family where the whole family has to get together? If you think you are very happy, what adjectives would you use to describe it?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



笙歌鼎沸(Many people are singing and playing musical instruments, and these people's emotions are like a pot of boiling water.)











































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