
The country is stable and the people live in peace(國泰民安)

The country is stable and the people live in peace(國泰民安)


The Song Dynasty in China is divided into two periods by historians.

The first stage was the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 AD).

The second stage was the Southern Song Dynasty (AD-1127 to AD 1279).


In 1129 AD, the Southern Song Dynasty moved the capital to the city (Lin'an), which is the current Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province.


After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, a scholar named (Wu Zimu) wrote a book.


This book records many customs in Lin'an City before the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, and also depicts the urban landscape at that time and the daily life of people of various identities living in the city.


A passage in this book describes it as follows.


Inside and outside the city of Hangzhou, there are many temples, each of which worships different gods.


Some temples enshrine the gods of nature, such as the god of the earth, the god of the mountain, the god of the sea, and the god of the river.

Some temples enshrine ancient kings with great achievements, ancient warriors who sacrificed their lives to defend the country, ancient famous people of high moral character, and ancient famous wise men.


In the city of Hangzhou, there is a mountain next to the West Lake, this mountain is called Wushan. There is a temple on this mountain. This temple enshrines the god who is in charge of managing and defending the city of Hangzhou.


Many high-ranking officials of the central government will come to the temple to offer sacrifices, praying that farmers will have a good harvest and that there will be no floods or droughts.

Many civilians will come here to offer sacrifices and pray for good health and freedom from disasters.


There is another temple on Mount Wu. This temple worships a famous general named (Wu Zixu) of the Wu Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period. This temple was built during the Tang Dynasty.


This temple uses the Taoist way of offering sacrifices. Every year, a grand peace offering is held. The king will order important officials to write a prayer, praying for the stability of the country and the peace of the people.


This idiom means that the country is stable and the people live in peace.


Dear friends, what are your feelings or thoughts after listening to this story?

Have you visited any temples that impress you? Are you religious?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



國泰民安(The country is stable and the people live in peace)






































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