
A hidden hazard(心腹之疾)


A hidden hazard(心腹之疾)


In the Spring and Autumn Period of China, there was a very famous general in the Kingdom of Wu, whose name was (Wu Zixu).


His story is recorded in the history books.


He assists his good friend (Ji Guang) to become the king of Wu Kingdom, so (Ji Guang) trusts him very much.

When he was 63 years old, (Ji Guang) died in a war with Yue Kingdom.


(Ji Guang)'s son inherits the throne. His son is called (Ji Fuchai).

Three years after (Ji Guang) died, in 496 BC, he helped (Ji Fuchai) defeat the Yue Kingdom.


The king of the Yue Kingdom sent an envoy to ask (Ji Fuchai) for peace, and the king of the Yue Kingdom also bribed an important official of the Wu Kingdom.


(Ji Fuchai) Hearing the opinion of this bribed official, he agreed not to kill the king of the Yue Kingdom.



(Wu Zixu) is a very upright and far-sighted person. He thinks (Ji Fuchai) this decision is wrong.

He said to (Ji Fuchai).

Although the king of the Yue Kingdom is now your servant, according to my observation, he is acting, and he is not really surrendering to you.

You should kill him, or one day he will pose a powerful threat to the Kingdom of Wu.


(Jiffy) didn't follow his advice.


In 491 BC, (Ji Fuchai) was ready to send troops to attack the Kingdom of Qi.

He said to (Ji Fuchai) again.


According to the information, the king of the Yue Kingdom is obedient to you on the surface, but he is currently secretly stocking up the manpower and food needed for the war.

The Kingdom of Yue is adjacent to our national border, and they pose a great threat to us, just like a disease of the internal organs in a person's body. Although it cannot be seen from the outside, it may cause great harm to a person at any time.


Therefore, I suggest that you should destroy the Yue Kingdom first, instead of wasting resources to attack the Qi Kingdom.


(Ji Fuchai) Still didn't follow his advice.


He was very anxious, he saw the crisis in the Kingdom of Wu, but he had no ability to change, he could only constantly advise (Ji Fuchai).



His positive advice backfired, and the officials who took bribes kept slandering him, ((Jeffchai) disliked him more and more.


The direct translation of this idiom means a disease of one's internal organs.

This idiom is used to describe some hidden dangers.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were him, would you continue to give your advice? Why do you think (Jeffchai) has been reluctant to follow his advice?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.





心腹之疾(A hidden hazard)
















































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