
If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles. (當斷不斷反受其亂)

If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles. (當斷不斷反受其亂)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


His lover became the Queen of Chu Kingdom, and he and his lover's children became the Crown Prince of Chu Kingdom.

The kingdom of Chu Kingdom did not know about this matter.


His lover's brother is called (Li Yuan). (Li Yuan) was originally his staff.


After Li Yuan's sister became the queen of Chu Kingdom, the king of Chu Kingdom made him an important official in the central government. The power of (Li Yuan) ranked third in the Chu Kingdom.


Although (Li Yuan) has been given such an important position, in his mind, (Li Yuan) is still a staff member with a much lower status than him, and (Li Yuan) is still loyal and obedient to him as before. .


He didn't notice the change in (Li Yuan's) mentality.

(Li Yuan) does not want to be called by him anymore, (Li Yuan) wants to replace him, (Li Yuan) longs to be the prime minister of the kingdom.


He has a very close guest named (Zhu Ying).

(Zhu Ying) observed that (Li Yuan)'s mentality has changed.

Zhu Ying) told him.

(Li Yuan) is planning to send a killer to assassinate you.

He did not heed (Zhu Ying)'s reminder.


His 25th year as prime minister. The king of Chu Kingdom died.

He was assassinated by the killer sent by (Li Yuan) completely unprepared.


(Li Yuan) replaced him as the new Prime Minister of the Chu Kingdom.


China's most outstanding historian (Sima Qian), wrote his evaluation in his history book.

How smart and brave he was when he was young, but why did he die so suddenly and worthless.

His story reminds me of a famous Taoist saying. When a matter is faced with the need to make a decision, you must make a decision immediately, you do not delay.

If you procrastinate, if you don't make a decision, you face the bad consequences of not making a decision.


This idiom means that we should make a clear decision right away at a critical moment when we should make a decision. If we don't make a clear decision, we're going to face results that we don't want to see.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Which decisions in your life are the most important to you?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



當斷不斷反受其亂(If we do not make decisions when we should make decisions, we will have endless troubles.)










































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