
A lavish banquet with many guests(三千珠履)

A lavish banquet with many guests(三千珠履)


Three Thousand Pearl Shoes (a lavish banquet with many guests)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

There is a story about him in the history books.


After he became the prime minister of the Chu kingdom, he learned the practice of several famous nobles from other kingdoms.


In order to strengthen their influence and political power, the nobles at that time would hold dinner parties in their homes every day, and they would entertain many guests every day.


As long as you have any kind of special skill, you can live for free in the house he provides, you eat and sleep there every day, but if he needs it, you must provide your own such skill.


These noble guests were friends with the nobles rather than servants, and they were free to leave at will.


According to historical records, more than 3,000 guests of this type eat at his home every day.

He also got a nickname because of this, this nickname is (Chun Shen Jun).


In his fifth year as the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, he led the army to assist the Zhao Kingdom in resisting the Qin Kingdom's attack.

In his eighth year as the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, he led the army to destroy the Lu Kingdom. The Kingdom of Lu was located in today's Shandong Province, China, and the famous Confucius was a citizen of the Kingdom of Lu.

His personal popularity reached the peak of his career.


Once, the Prime Minister of the Zhao Kingdom sent a delegation of ambassadors to the Chu Kingdom to visit.

He threw a banquet for all members of the Kingdom of Zhao's embassy and his 3,000-odd guests for dinner.


In order to show off his wealth, Kingdom Zhao made all the members of the embassy wear a sword with a precious pearl inlaid on it, and all the members of the embassy wore hairpins made of tortoiseshell on their heads.


On the night of the banquet, all the members of Zhao Kingdom's embassy team wore beautiful clothes to attend the banquet proudly.


Shortly after all the members of Zhao Kingdom's ambassadorial group entered the banquet hall, they saw that all the guests attending the dinner were dressed in more advanced clothes than them.

The shoes of more than 3,000 guests in the banquet hall are decorated with a round and large high-quality pearl.


All the members of Zhao Kingdom's embassy team showed embarrassed and ashamed expressions.


The literal translation of this idiom means 3,000 pairs of shoes adorned with pearls.

This idiom is used to describe a lavish banquet with many guests.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you often compare yourself with others? Do you think there are any good comparisons?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



三千珠履(A lavish banquet with many guests)










































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