Everyone has a different opinion on this(言人人殊)


Everyone has a different opinion on this(言人人殊)


Among the founding heroes of the Han Dynasty in China, there was a famous general who was also the second prime minister of the Han Dynasty. His name is (Cao Can).


His story is recorded in the history books.


After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the king sealed a piece of land to his eldest son. The name of the king's eldest son is (Liu Ying).

The main area of ​​this land is in present-day Shandong Province.


There are more than 70 cities in this land, and the city of (Qufu) where the founder of Confucianism (Confucius) lived is one of them.



Because (Liu Ying) was very young, the king ordered him to assist (Liu Ying) in governing the land.


At this time, the Han Dynasty was not long established, so many systems and norms had not yet been established.

He spent the first half of his life on the battlefield, and he had no experience in governing a piece of land.


He summoned many Confucian scholars and local elders from this land.

He held a symposium to listen and gather their opinions.


The outcome of this meeting was not good, because everyone felt that their views were right, and often everyone had different views on one thing.


He was troubled because he didn't know how to integrate everyone's opinions.


A few days later, he heard that there was a reclusive old Taoist scholar on this land, and he went to ask the old scholar for advice.


The old scholar said to him.

The idea of ​​Taoism is very simple, you don't need to make too many too detailed rules, you just need to make the basic principles clear.

The simpler the way and ideas you manage the people, the easier it will be for the people to follow, and the people will naturally be able to live in peace.


He agreed with the opinion of this old Taoist scholar, and he suggested (Liu Ying) to govern this piece of land according to the Taoist management method.


(Liu Ying) Follow his advice.


A few years later, the results of this land governance were very good, and he was deeply trusted by (Liu Ying).


This idiom means that everyone has a different opinion on the matter.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't know how to integrate everyone's opinions? If you were him, would you humbly ask different people for their opinions?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



言人人殊(Everyone has a different opinion on this)






























他很認同這位道家的老學者的看法,他就建議(劉盈) 照著道家的這套管理方式治理這一塊土地。












