
He is very old but continues to study those classic books(皓首窮經)


He is very old but continues to study those classic books(皓首窮經)


From 220 AD to 280 AD, the 60 years between the Han and Jin dynasties in China is called the Three Kingdoms Period.


At that time China was divided into three kingdoms, the three kingdoms were Wei Kingdom, Wu Kingdom and Shuhan Kingdom.


In the Ming Dynasty of China, there was a famous novelist whose name was (Luo Guanzhong).

He wrote a book that dramatized the story of the three kingdoms.

The book he wrote is known as one of the four most important novels in ancient China.


In chapter 43 of this book, there is a short story as follows


The Kingdom of Shuhan hoped to form an alliance with the Kingdom of Wu, and the two kingdoms would fight against the most powerful kingdom of Wei.

The prime minister of the Shuhan Kingdom was named (Zhuge Liang), and he represented the Shuhan Kingdom to meet the king of the Wu Kingdom.


He met the King of Wu Kingdom and proposed to the King of Wu Kingdom that he hoped to form an alliance with each other.

Many strategic advisors in the Kingdom of Wu were opposed to this alliance, so these strategic advisors raised many questions about what he said was the plan


But he explained the benefits of the alliance in a very calm and gentle manner, and the doubts of these strategic advisers were resolved by him one by one.


Before the meeting was about to end, a strategic adviser of the Kingdom of Wu spoke to him contemptuously.

Although you have already answered the questions we raised just now, I still do not agree with your views.

I think you just have better debating skills, you are very young, you are not a highly qualified scholar, you do not have a profound academic background.

What you said, in the eyes of us scholars, we can only find it ridiculous.


He replied with a smile.

According to my observation, I divide the scholars in this world into two kinds.


The first type of scholars is characterized by their pursuit of truth and knowledge because they love justice and hate evil. They love their country, they apply the truth and knowledge they have learned around their lives, and they hope to make this society a better place through what they have learned.

After the death of these scholars, they are often still remembered by future generations.


The characteristics of the second type of scholars are that they specialize in some very obscure knowledge, and they like to use very professional terms to write many articles that the general public cannot understand.

They live in their own world, and they are often still studying those ancient classics when they are full of gray hair.

They are very critical of the things around them, but if they are asked to come up with a specific reform plan, they can't come up with a single one.


What kind of scholars are you scholars?


When the scholar heard his answer, he didn't know how to respond.


This idiom is often used to compliment a person who is old but still learning hard.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you learned any new knowledge in recent years? What books have you read in the last year?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



皓首窮經(He is very old but continues to study those classic books)
















































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