
The head (his head leaves his body(首身分離)/ People can't live a normal life(民不聊生)

His head leaves his body(首身分離)

People can't live a normal life(民不聊生)


During the Warring States Period of China, the Kingdom of Chu had a famous prime minister whose name was (Huang Xie).

His story is recorded in the history books.


He once represented the Kingdom of Chu as the ambassador to the Kingdom of Qin.

He heard that the king of the Qin Kingdom was going to send a powerful army to attack the Chu Kingdom.


He hoped that he could persuade the king of the Qin Kingdom to reverse the decision to attack the Chu Kingdom.

He said to the king of the Qin Kingdom.


(The Book of Songs), the earliest Chinese poetry collection, contains a sentence.

The most elite armies in your kingdom should not go to war far from your kingdom.

The Kingdom of Chu is far away from the Kingdom of Qin, so you should carefully consider whether to send an army to attack the Kingdom of Chu.


There is another saying.

You have to guard against your enemies, and you have to take the right action at the right time.


Qin Kingdom's army has defeated Han Kingdom, Zhao Kingdom and Wei Kingdom in the past few years.

Both the Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Wei have shown their obedience to you.


I think they obey you on the surface, but they are deceiving you.

As long as they have the opportunity, they will launch an army to raid the Qin Kingdom at any time.


Why do I judge this way?

Because from a historical point of view, in the past few decades, the two kingdoms of the Han Kingdom and the Wei Kingdom have had many kings who died in the war with the Qin Kingdom.


The territories of the kingdoms of Han and Wei were occupied, the ancestral temples where they worshipped their ancestors were burned, many of their generals and soldiers died on the battlefield in these tragic wars, the limbs of these warriors were cut off, the heads and bodies of these warriors were separate. The bodies of these dead soldiers filled the battlefield.


After these tragic wars, the common people in these two kingdoms were bound as captives, and many common people became refugees and fled to other kingdoms. The families of these common people were demolished, they were forced to be separated from their own families, and they lost Without the hope of living, they cannot live a normal life.


Therefore, I think it is a foolish decision to attack the Kingdom of Chu now.

The Kingdom of Han and the Kingdom of Wei are the most dangerous and important enemies of the Qin Kingdom.



This idiom means that a person is beheaded.

This idiom means that people cannot live a normal life.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What kind of mentality do you think the two sides of the war should have in order to reach the situation of peace talks? Do you think the war is far from your country?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.



首身分離(His head leaves his body)

民不聊生(People can't live a normal life)













































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