
He issued a clear decree with a cautious attitude(明法審令)


He issued a clear decree with a cautious attitude(明法審令)


During the Warring States Period of China, there was a famous general whose name was (Wu Qi).

The art of war book he wrote occupies an important position in ancient Chinese military classics.


His story is recorded in the history books.


After he left the Wei Kingdom, he went to the Chu Kingdom.

When he was the leader of the Wei Kingdom's army, the Wei Kingdom had a total of 76 wars with other kingdoms, and the Wei Kingdom's army won 64 battles, 12 of which were tied.

Such a brilliant record made his name known by the kings of various countries.


Therefore, the king of the Chu Kingdom made him the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom.


After he assumed the position of chancellor, he was careful to issue clear decrees, which he strictly enforced.

He eliminated and cut redundant staff in the central government, he scrutinized corruption and bribery in the central government, and he supported those who were loyal and honest.


He reduced or even cancelled the salaries given to the nobles of the Chu Kingdom. He used the saved money to distribute to the soldiers of the Kingdom of Chu, and he strengthened the training of the troops of the Kingdom of Chu.


A few years later, after he completed the training of the Chu Kingdom's army, he led the Chu Kingdom's army to repel the attacks of other kingdoms, and he even led the Chu Kingdom's army to take the initiative to attack those other kingdoms that were constantly provoking.


During his tenure as the prime minister of the Chu Kingdom, the Chu Kingdom's national strength became very strong, and every kingdom feared the Chu Kingdom.


But a very sad thing happened.

In 381 BC, the king of the Chu kingdom who supported his reforms died.

On the day when the king of Chu Kingdom died, the nobles who had suffered huge losses because of his reforms united to design an assassination operation.


In this assassination, he was killed, next to the body of the king of the Chu kingdom who supported his reforms.


In 223 BC, the Kingdom of Chu fell.


This idiom means that he issued a clear decree with a cautious attitude.


Dear friends, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Is the government of your country clean or corrupt? If you were him, what would you regret before you died?

I hope this story will give you something new to gain.




明法審令(He issued a clear decree with a cautious attitude)


































你的國家的政府效能是清廉還是腐敗呢? 你如果是他,你死之前會因為何事感到後悔呢?






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