
He faces difficulties by himself without anyone to help him.(孤立無援)


He faces difficulties by himself without anyone to help him.(孤立無援)


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous general named (Ban Chao).

History books record a story about him.


At that time, China’s Gansu Province, Qinghai Province, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang Province, as well as parts of Central Asia, had a total of more than 50 kingdoms, two of which were geographically connected.

One of the kingdoms is called the Shule Kingdom, and the other is called the Kucha Kingdom.


When he was 42 years old, the Kingdom of Kucha sent troops to attack the Kingdom of Shule, and the king of the Kingdom of Shule was killed.

The ministers of the Shule Kingdom asked for his assistance. As a result, with his assistance, the Shule Kingdom was able to turn defeat into victory.


Therefore, the people of Shule Kingdom were very grateful to him, and he stayed in Shule Kingdom.


When he was 43 years old, the second king of the Eastern Han Dynasty died.

Other kingdoms that were enemies of the Eastern Han Dynasty took this opportunity to launch an attack on the Eastern Han Dynasty's army. The highest military commander of the Eastern Han Dynasty in this area was killed, and the Eastern Han Dynasty's army fled back to the territory of the Han Dynasty.

He stayed in the Shule Kingdom alone, and he lost the military support of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He could only face difficulties by himself without anyone to help him.


Because the Shule Kingdom was friendly with the Eastern Han Dynasty, these kingdoms that were enemies of the Eastern Han Dynasty launched an attack on the Shule Kingdom.


The military strength of the Shule Kingdom is very weak, because under his leadership, the Shule Kingdom was not quickly captured.


When he was 44 years old, he had a chance to abscond and return to the Eastern Han Dynasty. The ministers of the Shule Kingdom were very frightened when they heard the news. These ministers of the Shule Kingdom begged him not to leave Shule. His ministers begged him to continue to lead the Shule kingdom against the enemies who attacked them.


He faced a major choice. If he continued to stay, he had a high probability of dying here, because the Shule Kingdom was too weak and the enemies who attacked them were too strong.


If he left the Shule Kingdom and fled back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, although he could survive, but without his leadership, the Shule Kingdom would definitely be defeated by the troops who attacked them very soon.

If he left the Shule Kingdom and fled back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, although he could survive, he might never be able to return to this place, and he would lose the opportunity to make meritorious deeds here.

He finally decided to stay and help Shule Kingdom.


This idiom means that he can only face difficulties by himself and no one can help him.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you leave or leave? Are you willing to pay your life for your ideal?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



孤立無援(He faces difficulties by himself without anyone to help him.)








































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