
It's the best(首屈一指)



It's the best(首屈一指)


In the Qing Dynasty of China, there was a famous thinker named (Zheng Guanying).

He wrote a book in which he sorted out what he observed about the social conditions in China at that time, and put forward many ideas on how to solve the social problems at that time.


This book is the book with the most editions in modern Chinese publishing history.


A brief summary of a small passage from the book is as follows. '


China has a long history, and many books have been handed down from ancient times to the present, but there has never been a public library mechanism.

In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, after referring to the methods of many Western countries, the king of the Qing Dynasty established China's first official library in the capital.


At that time, many wealthy people in various provinces also followed the example of the king and independently established private libraries.

As far as the author knows, there are at least 9 private libraries with rich collections in Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province in China.


Unfortunately, most of the books in these libraries were lost due to the war.


When the author was writing this book, the largest library he knew was founded by the Lu Shi family in the city of Wuxing. In the era when the author lived, this library had the largest collection of books among all private libraries.


The author sighs that China has a vast territory and a large number of people, and the population is out of proportion to the library.

Therefore, the author suggests that the central government should plan and allocate funds to establish public libraries in each province, so that more people can have the opportunity to read more books.


The direct translation of this idiom means giving a thumbs up to show that a person or a thing is the best.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

How many libraries are there in the city you live in? How long has it been since you went to the library?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



首屈一指(It's the best.)































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