
The current situation is different from before(此一時也彼一時也)


The current situation is different from before(此一時也彼一時也)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a humorous, funny and upright official named (Dongfang Shuo).

He lived from 154 BC to 93 BC.


He was about the same age as the seventh king of the Han Dynasty (Liu Che), and many stories about the two of them are recorded in history books.


The Han Dynasty became very powerful under the leadership of (Liu Che), and there were many very talented people in the central government at that time.


(Dongfang Shuo) put forward some innovative proposals to the king. He hoped to gain the attention of the king and hold a more important position, but the king did not adopt his opinions.


He was a little depressed because of it.

He wrote a short essay in the first person describing his inner feelings.

The gist of the second paragraph of this short essay is as follows.


I answer my friend's question.

Your speculation is wrong. The current situation is different from before. This is the main reason why I have not been taken seriously.


The era background of China's Warring States Period is completely different from our current era background. In China at that time, many princes established their own kingdoms, and these kingdoms often attacked each other, and each kingdom wanted to conquer and annex other kingdoms. Therefore, at that time, those strategic advisors could rely on their own talents to obtain important positions in various kingdoms.


In our current era, local governments in various places obey the command and orders of the central government, and the entire territory of the Han Dynasty is stable and peaceful.


In our current era, the level of a person's ability is no longer the key to determining whether he can hold an important position, because all the systems are on track, and the operation of the central government and local governments have established complete norms.


Even if a person is very mediocre, as long as he is promoted by the king, he can hold a very important position.


Even if a person is very talented, if the king doesn't value him, he may only stay in this very unimportant position for the rest of his life.


A person's position depends entirely on the king's decision. There are so many people in the Han Dynasty, but so few people can be seen by the king. If those strategic advisors in the Warring States Period lived in modern times, I think they might only be lowest ranking official.


I sighed and said to my friend.

Times have changed, and our thoughts and practices must change accordingly.


This idiom means that the current situation is different from before.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

If you could choose, would you want to live in that era? If you could choose, would you choose to work for a start-up or a mature enterprise?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



此一時也彼一時也(The current situation is different from before)










































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