
This huge palace has countless doors and windows(千門萬戶)


This huge palace has countless doors and windows(千門萬戶)


In the Han Dynasty of China, there was a humorous, funny and upright official named (Dongfang Shuo).

He lived from 154 BC to 93 BC.


He was about the same age as the seventh king of the Han Dynasty (Liu Che), and many stories about the two of them are recorded in history books.


The Han Dynasty became very powerful under the leadership of (Liu Che).

One day, (Liu Che) had a conversation with (Dongfang Shuo).


(Liu Che) said.

I've noticed that the social climate in my dynasty has been changing recently. So I'm worried.


(Dongfang Shuo) asked.

What social phenomena have you observed that worry you?


(Liu Che) said.

I found that many people are now pursuing luxury, and their lives are becoming more and more corrupt. Many people are unwilling to work diligently and diligently, and they all hope to get rich overnight through speculation.

What do you think I should do to reverse this bad social atmosphere?


(Dongfang Shuo) answered.

I remember that when your grandfather was still alive and served as the king of the Han Dynasty, he wore clothes and shoes made of the same material as ordinary people, his sword had no gorgeous decorations, and the daily necessities he used were ordinary. The decoration is also very simple.


He pursues lofty morality, he governs all the people with love and justice, and all the people respect and love him. The social atmosphere at that time was very simple.


Compared with your grandfather, you think the scale of the palace in the capital is too small, so you set aside a separate area outside the capital city and built a huge palace with countless doors and windows.


You have collected a lot of precious gems and rare items. You watch dramas and listen to singing performances every day. Your clothes are made of silk and satin. The clothes of those who serve you in the palace are very particular. The dogs were dressed in brightly colored special clothes.


All the people are learning from you, and you are the core of the problem.


So I think that if you really want to change the current social atmosphere, you should change your own living habits, you should review yourself, and you should learn from your grandfather's lifestyle.

You should seek to improve your moral standards rather than your own material comforts.


(Liu Che) After listening to these words, he bowed his head and remained silent.


This idiom was originally used to describe a magnificent royal building with countless doors and windows.

This idiom is now used to describe a place with countless residents.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Are you looking for a life of luxury or simplicity? What is the social climate in your country?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



千門萬戶(This huge palace has countless doors and windows)














































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