
An irresistible momentum (勢不可擋)


An irresistible momentum (勢不可擋)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there were many resistance forces in China. Among these resistance forces, the two biggest forces are (Xiang Yu) and (Liu Bang).


(Han Xin) first joined (Xiang Yu)'s army. He had put forward his suggestions many times, but (Xiang Yu) did not adopt his opinions. So later he switched to the (Liu Bang) camp.


He was appointed by (Liu Bang) as the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.


In 205 BC, he led the army of the Han Kingdom to defeat the Kingdoms of Wei and Dai.

After the end of these two battles, he did not rest, and he immediately led the army to attack the Kingdom of Zhao.


To attack the Kingdom of Zhao, one must go through a narrow valley tens of kilometers long.

This is a natural fortress, and the Kingdom of Zhao sent 200,000 soldiers to station here to prepare for the battle.


The general of the Zhao Kingdom and the military staff of the Zhao Kingdom were in a military meeting, and the military staff said to the general.

(Han Xin) has led the army to win two consecutive battles. The morale of the Han Kingdom's army is very high, and their momentum is very strong.

We can't confront them head-on. We should take advantage of the terrain and use defense as the main strategy.


We should send part of our army to lie in ambush at the entrance of this valley.

When (Han Xin) enters this narrow valley with the army of the Han Kingdom, we can double-team.


I estimate that the grain of the Han Kingdom's army can only last ten days, and we can easily win the victory in ten days.


After the general of the Zhao Kingdom listened to his suggestion, the general of the Zhao Kingdom said.

I don't agree with your idea, our soldiers are far more than Han Kingdom's army.

Their army is very tired after a long march, but our soldiers are full of energy.


We can take them head-on, and we'll win that soon.


This idiom is used to describe an irresistible momentum.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

What do you think the outcome of this war will be? If you were the general of Zhao Kingdom, what decision would you make?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



勢不可擋(An irresistible momentum)










































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