
He's as important to me as my hands(左右手)


He's as important to me as my hands(左右手)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, there were many resistance forces in China. Among these resistance forces, the two biggest forces are (Xiang Yu) and (Liu Bang).


(Han Xin) first joined (Xiang Yu)'s army. He had put forward his suggestions many times, but (Xiang Yu) did not adopt his opinions. So later he switched to the (Liu Bang) camp.


He was not taken seriously in (Liu Bang's) army either.

He was very discouraged, and one morning, he left (Liu Bang's) army.


But at this time, there was a person who changed his destiny. This person and (Liu Bang) had been good friends for many years, and his name was (Xiao He).


(Xiao He) is (Liu Bang)'s most important staff officer.

(Liu Bang) once said to the people around him, (Xiao He) is like my hands, if I don't have (Xiao He), then I become a disabled person.


(Xiao He) has keen observation and judgment.

He was able to discern who the real talent was and put those talents where they fit best.

He thinks (Han Xin) is a military genius, and he thinks Han Xin will be a great general.


When (Xiao He) learned that (Han Xin) had left (Liu Bang)'s army, (Xiao He) immediately rode a horse to catch up with him and keep him.


He was very moved, because his ability was recognized by (Xiao He), so he followed (Xiao He) back to (Liu Bang)'s army.


This idiom is used to describe that one person is as important to another person as the other person's hands.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

How many jobs have you changed? Can your current job give full play to your abilities?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.



左右手(He's as important to me as my hands)



































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