
The smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will be ignorant sometimes. The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes. (智者千慮必有一失,愚者千慮必有一得)


The smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will be ignorant sometimes. The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes. (智者千慮必有一失,愚者千慮必有一得)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history was (Liu Bang). And the name of the most important general who assisted him in founding the Han Dynasty was (Han Xin).


The story of (Han Xin)'s life is very wonderful, and one of his stories is recorded in history.


He was the commander-in-chief of the Han Kingdom's army.

In 205 BC, he led the army of Han Kingdom to attack Zhao Kingdom.


Because the generals of the Zhao Kingdom did not adopt the advice of the Zhao Kingdom's military staff, although the number of soldiers of the Zhao Kingdom was far greater than that of the Han Kingdom, they were still defeated by the Han Dynasty.


The name of the military staff officer of the Kingdom of Zhao is (Li Zuojun), and the name of (Li Zuojun)'s grandfather is (Li Mu). (Li Mu) was a very great general in the Warring States Period.


After the first battle, he did something that surprised everyone.

He released (Li Zuojun), and he asked (Li Zuojun) for help with a respectful attitude.

He asked Li Zuojun a question. He said.

I have defeated the Kingdom of Zhao, and my next goal is to attack and defeat the Kingdom of Yan and the Kingdom of Qi.

What can I do to achieve my goals in the smartest way?

Because his attitude is very sincere, so (Li Zuojun) replied.

I have heard two proverbs,

The meaning of the first proverb is that the smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will also be stupid sometimes.

The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes.


The second proverb means that when we hear a proud and arrogant person say big things, we don't have to deny everything he said. A wise man can select words of wisdom from these words and allow himself to be inspired.


I am an ignorant person, I put forward my opinion, because I hope Zhao Kingdom can win this battle.

The general of Kingdom Zhao was a smart man, he thought his idea was right, but it turned out that his decision-making led to the defeat of Kingdom Zhao in this battle, and he himself died in this battle.


Since you are very polite to me and ask for my opinion, then I will put forward my point of view to share with you.


You have won three battles in a row, and in this battle with the Kingdom of Zhao, you have even defeated the army of the Kingdom of Zhao, which has far more soldiers than you.


I believe that the whole of China already knows you, and the kings and nobles of all countries are afraid of you.

You lead your army to fight everywhere, and if your army passes through any village, the people of that village will put down their farm tools and stop working, because these farmers think you will bring war and death.


I think your current image is your greatest advantage.

This idiom means that the smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will also be ignorant sometimes.

The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes.


Dear friend, what are your feelings or thoughts after hearing this story?

Do you think you are smarter or dumber than others? When you have a conversation with an arrogant person, do you deny everything he says?

I hope this story can give you some new harvest.




智者千慮必有一失,愚者千慮必有一得(The smartest person cannot always be smart, and the smartest person will be ignorant sometimes. The stupidest person can't be stupid forever, and the stupidest person will be smart sometimes.)

















































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