
A complete failure (一敗塗地)


A complete failure (一敗塗地)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


The laws of the Qin Dynasty were very strict. The central government mobilized men from all over China to build fortifications in the frontiers, and also mobilized many people to build the tomb of Qin Shihuang in the capital. These behaviors caused great dissatisfaction among many people.


In 209 BC, a man named (Chen Sheng) led a group of people to rebel against the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

(Chen Sheng) captured an important city in what is now Henan province, and he declared himself king of the territory.


In various cities across China, many revolutionary leaders followed Chen Sheng's actions. These revolutionary leaders led the people in each city who were dissatisfied with the rule of the Qin Dynasty to kill the officials of the Qin Dynasty who managed the city.


These revolutionary leaders even linked up with each other to fight against the Qin Dynasty's army.


When Liu Bang saw this situation, he returned to the city where he used to be the director of the police station from the mountain where he hid.

He wrote a letter to incite the people of that city who were friendly with him.


The letter reads.

Many people in various parts of China are very dissatisfied with the rule of the Qin Dynasty, and now many people in various parts of China are rebelling against the rule of the Qin Dynasty.

According to my informant, troops from the Revolutionary Army will come to attack our city soon.


I think the Qin dynasty will perish, so we should respond to these revolutionary armies.

We should arrest the officials of the Qin Dynasty who now rule our city and join the ranks of the revolutionary army. Only by doing this can we protect the lives and property of us and our families.


The people of the city agree with him.

So the people arrested the officials of the Qin Dynasty who ruled the city.

But this city needs someone to be the leader of the revolutionary army, and all the people elected Liu Bang.


Liu Bang said to these people who elected him as leader.

Now is an era of chaos, and wars between the government army of the Qin Dynasty and the revolutionary army are happening all over China.


So we should choose a truly capable leader to lead us.

If we choose an incompetent leader, all of us in this city will lose our precious lives, which is the most complete failure.

I think my ability is not enough, please choose again, I believe there are more suitable candidates than me.


The people of the city said to him.

Please don't decline, we believe in your leadership ability, and we unanimously recognize that you are the most suitable leader for us. Please be our leader and lead us forward in these chaotic times.


After this incident, he changed from a fugitive to the leader of the city. It also opened his first step to dominate the whole of China.


This idiom is used to describe a complete failure of a thing or a person


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think he really doesn't want to be the leader of the city? What do you think are the qualities of a good leader?

I hope this story can give you something to gain



一敗塗地(A complete failure)


















































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