
He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.( 明修棧道暗渡陳倉)

He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.( 明修棧道暗渡陳倉)


The name of the founding king of the Han Dynasty was (Liu Bang). The Han Kingdom he led defeated all other kingdoms in the chaotic generation after the fall of the Qin Dynasty.


History books record a story about him.


207 BC. The revolutionary army led by him took the lead in entering the capital of the Qin Dynasty ahead of other revolutionary groups.


A few days later, other revolutionary leaders also arrived in the Qin capital with their respective armies.

Among all the revolutionary armies at that time, the most powerful force was the Chu Kingdom led by Xiang Yu.

Relying on his strong military power, Xiang Yu led all the revolutionary armies to distribute the land of the whole of China.


Xiang Yu didn't like Liu Bang, so Xiang Yu allocated part of the land in Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province of China to Liu Bang.

This is a relatively barren land.


Liu Bang didn't like this arrangement, but the Chu Kingdom's army had a total of over 400,000 soldiers, while the Han Kingdom's army he led had only 100,000 soldiers, so he was forced to accept it.


Following the advice of one of his military staff officers, he destroyed the road from the capital to his own land after going to the land to which he was allotted.


This action caused Xiang Yu to misjudge.

Xiang Yu thought he had accepted this unfair arrangement, and he would stay in his own territory forever, and he didn't want to fight for control of the whole of China.


In 206 BC, the Kingdom of Chu was at war with other kingdoms.

When Liu Bang saw this situation, he knew his chance had come.


He sent some soldiers to repair the road he had destroyed a year earlier.

The road was badly damaged and the progress of restoration was slow.

The garrison in the capital thought that the Han Kingdom's army would not be able to return to the capital immediately, so they relaxed their vigilance.


He secretly arranged a group of troops to sneak back to the capital by taking a long way,

This group of troops launched a surprise attack when the garrison in the capital was not prepared.


This year, the Han Kingdom he led returned to the capital of the richest Qin Dynasty in China at that time, and occupied all the land around the capital.

After he took control of this land, the advantages and disadvantages of Chu Kingdom and Han Kingdom began to reverse.


This idiom means that he pretended to do this thing, but secretly arranged other plans.

This idiom is used to describe a person who attracts the attention of the other party with obvious and irrelevant actions, but takes other actions in private to achieve the original purpose.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thoughts do you have after hearing this story?

If you were him, would you be willing to wait for a better time? How would you deal with unfair treatment?

I hope this story can give you something to gain.



明修棧道暗渡陳倉(He pretended to do this, but secretly arranged other plans.)














































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