
He follows the tides of the world(與世沉浮)

He follows the tides of the world(與世沉浮)


Sima Qian is China's most outstanding historian. His history book is one of the most classic books in China.

The name of this book is (Historical Records).

In this book, he refers to the historical and social phenomena he observed.


From the history books we can see that there are some scholars who have high moral standards. These scholars believe that only their own views are right and everyone else's views are wrong.

These scholars think that they are better than everyone else, and these scholars have a narrow vision.


From the history books, we can see that there are other scholars who have shown themselves to have high moral standards, but these scholars follow the trend of the world, and these scholars get money by shaping the image of their high moral standards and reputation.


From the history books we can also see another kind of people.

These people are not of high status, and they may not have read many books.


But this type of person has one characteristic. Although most people think that the behaviour of this kind of people is morally low, and the behaviour of this kind of people does not conform to the legal norms, this kind of people have their own unique life values.


These people attach great importance to reciprocity between people. If you treat him well, he will find a way to repay you.

If he promises you something, he will keep his promise.


They defend the value of life they insist on, they don't care what the general public thinks, and they are even willing to sacrifice their lives to defend their beliefs.


Between these two types of people, we tend to think that these scholars have made greater contributions to society.

We tend to look down on those of lower status.


But I have learned a surprising fact from the history books: when these scholars encounter dangers and difficulties in their lives, those who really help them are often not the friends of their scholars, but those who take practical action A person who defends his own life value.


There is a saying that goes like this.

I don't care if a person has a reputation for justice and benevolence, if he is willing to help me, then he is of irreplaceable value to me.



If you look at it that way, then it applies to those scholars who are in danger and trouble.

A person who is truly willing to take action to help him will be his true friend.


This phrase is used to describe a person who follows the worldly trend and has no independent mind.


Dear friend, after listening to this story, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have?

When you are in trouble, who are the people who are really willing to help you? Do you think that the people around you are your real friends?

I hope this story can bring you a new harvest.



與世沉浮(He follows the tides of the world)


司馬遷是中國最傑出的歷史學家。 他的歷史書是中國最經典的書之一。








































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