
His knowledge and talent are at the top of the contemporary(蓋世之才)

His knowledge and talent are at the top of the contemporary(蓋世之才)


Su Shi is one of the most famous writers in Chinese history. He is also a famous politician.

His poems and prose are very well written. His calligraphy and painting are also very good.


When he was young, he wrote an article about the inspiration he felt after reading the biography of Zhang Liang, the founding hero of the Han Dynasty.


The summary of the fourth paragraph of this article is as follows

Zhang Liang was born into an aristocratic family in the Kingdom of Han. He was educated at a high level, and his knowledge and talents are among the best in the contemporary world.

He knows how to appreciate life and how to avoid getting into dangerous situations.


He is a very intelligent person. If he is willing to think calmly, he will know that he should learn from those ancient sages and use his wisdom to undermine the regime of the Qin Dynasty.


However, the fact that he tried to assassinate the King of Qin with his own power shows that he was controlled by anger, which is why he made the wrong decision.


After meeting the reclusive wise old man, the old man gave him a hidden test.

The old man deliberately treated him in an arrogant and disrespectful manner.


After the failed assassination attempt, his personality was honed to be very calm during his escape, and he no longer allowed his emotions to affect his reason.


Because he can prevent his emotions from affecting his reason, he was able to pass the old man's test and get the old man's approval and get the book on the art of war written by the old man.


This idiom means that his knowledge and talent are the best in the contemporary era.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after hearing this story?

Do you think your personality can be changed? How would you react if someone treated you in an arrogant and disrespectful way?

I hope this story can give you a new harvest.




蓋世之才(His knowledge and talent are at the top of the contemporary)
































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