
He watched it happen and he did nothing.(做壁上觀)

He watched it happen and he did nothing.(做壁上觀)


There is a famous hero in Chinese history. His name is Xiang Yu.

He only lived to be 30 years old in his life, and his legendary life has been told by many Chinese descendants.

History books record a story about him.


At the end of the Qin Dynasty in China, many revolutionary armies rose up in various kingdoms in China. The goals of these revolutionary armies were all the same, and the goal of these revolutionary armies was to overthrow the rule of the Qin Dynasty.


The revolutionary army of the Chu Kingdom is the most powerful among the revolutionary armies of the various kingdoms, and (Xiang Yu) is the most famous general in the Chu Kingdom.


In 208 AD, the army of the Qin Kingdom attacked the revolutionary army in the Zhao Kingdom.

The army of the Qin Kingdom surrounded the (Julu) city where the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom was stationed.

Many revolutionary armies from other kingdoms also came to (Julu) City to assist the Zhao Kingdom's revolutionary army in resisting the Qin Dynasty's army.


(Xiang Yu) led the Chu Kingdom's revolutionary army to arrive, and he led the Chu Kingdom's army and the Qin Dynasty's army to fight nine very tragic battles on the plain outside Julu City.

The fighting will of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Chu is very high and very brave. Every soldier is determined to fight against the army of the Qin Dynasty with the determination to die.


The leaders of the revolutionary armies of the various kingdoms in Julu City stood on the city wall and watched the confrontation between the two armies outside the city wall.

Due to the fierce battle situation, the leaders of these revolutionary army were too frightened to order their own troops to go out of the city to assist the Kingdom of Chu.



Under the leadership of Xiang Yu, the revolutionary army of the Kingdom of Chu finally defeated the army of the mighty Qin Dynasty.

In the Qin army, one general was captured, another was killed, and another burned himself to death after the defeat.


On the second day after the Chu Kingdom army defeated the main army of the Qin Dynasty, the most powerful in China at that time, Xiang Yu sat in his barracks and all the leaders of the revolutionary army in Julu City came together to the Chu Kingdom barracks.


These revolutionary army leaders all knelt down in front of Xiang Yu, and these revolutionary army leaders said to Xiang Yu

From now on, you are the supreme leader of all our revolutionary armies. We all surrender to you, we all obey your orders and commands, we pledge our allegiance to you, and we will follow you to overthrow the rule of the Qin dynasty.


The literal translation of this phrase is that they were standing on the city wall watching the confrontation between the armies of the Qin Dynasty and the Chu Kingdom.

This idiom is used to describe a person who watches something happen without taking any action.


This saying means that we will succeed or fail depending on our actions this time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

If you were the leader of the revolutionary army in Julu City, would you order your own army to join the war? If you were a general of the Qin Dynasty, would you want to die on the battlefield or would you surrender voluntarily?

I hope you can gain something from this story.



做壁上觀(He watched it happen and he did nothing.)








































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