
We will succeed or fail depending on this action(在此一舉)


We will succeed or fail depending on this action(在此一舉)


Song Yi was born in Chu and was a military general in the rebel army at the end of the Qin Dynasty.

History books record a story about him.


At the end of 208 BC, the army of the Qin dynasty attacked the revolutionary army in the original Zhao kingdom. The king of Chu Kingdom ordered him to lead the army of Chu Kingdom to Zhao Kingdom to rescue the revolutionary army of Zhao Kingdom.


After leading the army into the territory of the Zhao Kingdom, he did not immediately attack the Qin Dynasty army. He ordered all the soldiers to build barracks and garrison them.


He believed that when the Qin Dynasty army defeated the revolutionary army in the Zhao Kingdom, the Qin Dynasty soldiers would be very tired. At that time, if he launched another attack, he would be able to easily defeat the Qin Dynasty army.


His thoughts had their reasons, but he didn't care about the feelings of the soldiers below.

After they had been stationed for about two months, winter had set in.


One day he gave a lavish banquet.

The day after the banquet, at a routine military meeting he called, a young general in the Chu Kingdom's army said to him angrily.


We are on the front lines of the war, why are you having a lavish banquet with your family and friends?

It's so hard that you don't know that our soldiers have no rice to eat, and our soldiers can only eat vegetables and beans. Don't you know that our current resources are extremely insufficient, and our soldiers don't have enough warm clothes?


The young general became increasingly angry as he spoke.

When we came to this place, our main mission was to help the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom attack and defeat the army of the Qin Kingdom. But why are we stationed here?


I strongly suggest that we mobilise the army immediately to support Zhao Kingdom's revolutionary army.


Qin Dynasty's army is very powerful. Although our army is the strongest and most elite in the Chu Kingdom, I don't think our strength alone can defeat the Qin Dynasty's army.

I believe that only if we join forces with the revolutionary army of the Zhao Kingdom against the army of the Qin Dynasty will we have a chance of victory.


Our battle with the Qin army is very important. Whether our goal of resisting the Qin Dynasty will succeed or fail depends on what we do this time.


After hearing these words, Song Yi still insisted on his own ideas and had a heated argument with the young general.

The young general was very angry. The young general suddenly pulled out his knife and stabbed Song Yi.

The young general killed Song Yi.


This idiom means that we will succeed or fail depending on what we do this time.


Dear friend, what kind of inspiration or thought do you have after listening to this story?

Who do you agree with more? Why do you think Song Yi refuses to change his mind?

I hope you can gain something from this story.



在此一舉(We will succeed or fail depending on this action)











































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