
You can tell how seasoned the whole pot of meat is by eating a piece of it. (嘗鼎一臠)

You can tell how seasoned the whole pot of meat is by eating a piece of it. (嘗鼎一臠)



Of all the kingdoms that existed at the end of China's Warring States period, the most powerful was the Kingdom of Qin.


The Prime Minister of the Qin Kingdom (Lu Buwei) summoned scholars from different kingdoms.

These scholars collected papers from various academic schools in China at that time and compiled them into a book.


The content of this book is very rich, with a total of more than 200,000 words.

There is a passage in that book.


The biggest difference between a person who understands the truth and other people is that those people can deduce what is happening in the distance from what is happening around them.


A person who understands the truth can deduce things that cannot be seen from what he can see.

A person who understands the truth can deduce what happened in ancient times from what is happening in modern times.


We should be people who understand the truth.

It's not difficult, let me give you some examples.


If you stay in a room, even if you don't go out, you can tell whether it's day or night by watching the light and shadow coming in through the window.


If you are in a room, even if you don't go out, you can still know that the weather is very cold by seeing that the water on the table is frozen, and you can infer that the river outside is also frozen.


If you are cooking a pot of meat and you want to try it to see if it tastes good, you don't have to eat the whole pot. You only need to eat one piece of meat to know if you like the taste of the pot of meat.


This idiom means that we can infer the whole or the thing from a thing or a part of a thing.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you observe the things around you that you think are normal? Do you think it is difficult or easy to become a person who understands the truth?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



嘗鼎一臠(You can tell how seasoned the whole pot of meat is by eating a piece of it.)

































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