
Both have almost the same strength, so there is no difference between them(不分軒輊)



Both have almost the same strength, so there is no difference between them(不分軒輊)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Ma Yuan).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China, warlords all over China relied on their own military power to divide their respective spheres of influence. These warlords fought many wars against each other.


He and his family were separated because of the war, and he took refuge with one of the warlords. That warlord's name was (Kui Xiao).

Because he is very clever and talented, he has become a very important aide to (Kui Xiao).

Wei Xiao wanted to form an alliance with Liu Xiu.

Wei Xiao arranged for his son to be sent as an ambassador to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty founded by Liu Xiu. Wei Xiao ordered Ma Yuan to go with his son.


After Ma Yuan accepted this assignment, he and his family moved to the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty.


After staying in the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty for several months, his relationship with Liu Xiu became very close. He was attracted by Liu Xiu's charming personality, so he made a decision. He wrote a letter to Wei Loud.


In the letter, Ma Yuan wrote

I think Liu Xiu is a very good leader, so I want to join his camp. I think you should join his camp like me, and together we can help Liu Xiu achieve his goal of unifying all of China.


Wei Xiao was very angry when he received this letter, so he wrote to Liu Xiu.

Ma Yuan is an important associate of mine, but he was seduced by you and betrayed me, so I refuse to ally with you again.


When Ma Yuan heard the news, he said to Liu Xiu

Now that I'm in your camp, I'd like to tell you what I think.


We have known each other for several months now, so you should have a better idea of my personality.


If I were a leader, I would hope that my subordinates would be as good as me. If I were a subordinate, I would hope that my leader would be respected by others because of my relationship with them.


I treat everyone honestly. I would rather be misunderstood than cause loss to others.


Because I believe that you are the most capable and powerful person to unite all of China, I have joined your camp.


My relationship with Kai Xiao is more like that of a friend. Our relationship is not like a normal relationship between a leader and his subordinates, so I shared my thoughts with him.


I told him. Your talent and strength are not as good as Liu Xiu's, so you should join me in Liu Xiu's camp.

Together we can help Liu Xiu end the current chaotic situation in China, and we can help Liu Xiu restore peace to all of China.


But Wei Xiao wouldn't listen to me. He thought he was the one who could unite all of China in the future. He refused to be someone else's subordinate, he wanted to build his own kingdom.


I will try to persuade him to join your camp, but if he insists on refusing to surrender to you, he will become our enemy.

If he really does become our enemy in the future, I will help you to defeat him.


This saying means that the strength of the two is almost the same, so there is no difference between them.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were Wei Xiao, what would you do? Do you think Ma Yuan's behaviour is treason?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



不分軒輊(Both have almost the same strength, so there is no difference between them)




















































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