
There are very few people in this place and it is very deserted.(門前冷落)



There are very few people in this place and it is very deserted.(門前冷落)


There was a famous poet during the Tang Dynasty in China, his name was (Bai Juyi).

He left behind more than 3,000 poems, the most among all the poets of the Tang Dynasty.


At the age of 35, he joined the central government as a mid-level official.

He was an upright man and often made many suggestions to the king.

He also offended some in the establishment.

In 815 AD he was demoted and transferred to what is now Jiangxi Province in China.

One day in 816 AD he wrote a narrative poem of 612 words.

This poem became one of his most famous works.


In this poem he describes an adventure he had with a middle-aged pipa player.

In the poem, the pipa player tells her own life story after finishing her performance.

The player said.


Good times always feel short.

After I came of age, the control of the central government of the Tang Dynasty over the local princes weakened, and there were many wars between the central government of the Tang Dynasty and the local princes.


Because of the war, my brothers were drafted to the battlefield and my sisters and I were also separated because of the turmoil. When I heard from them again, I was sad to learn that almost all my brothers and sisters had died because of the war.


Because of the war, there were fewer and fewer music lovers who came to hear me perform, and those wealthy young aristocrats who were willing to spend money on gifts for me were becoming more and more financially strapped.


Whenever we used to perform, the entrance to the venue where we performed would be full of horse-drawn carriages and there would be lots of people. But later, as the war situation became more serious, the number of people who came to see our performances gradually decreased.


As the days go by, I am getting older, I am not as beautiful as I was when I was young, and I am gradually losing my appeal to my music fans.


Then I decided to give up my acting career and married a businessman.

This businessman is one of my music fans. He is very kind to me. I think he has enough financial power to take care of me for the rest of my life, so I finally decided to marry him.


After I got married, my husband was very kind to me.

He is a good person, but because he often travels to different places in China to develop markets, he is often away from home and spends very little time at home.


Last month, my husband went to Fuliang city to buy and sell tea. He left me alone at home. I felt very lonely every day. I could only sit alone on this boat every day.

No one accompanies me, only the moon in the sky and the cold river water accompany me every day.


Lately I often dream at night. I dream of the happy years of my youth. What a wonderful time they were. At that time I had no worries and I laughed happily every day.

But the happier I am in my dreams, the sadder I feel when I wake up.

I often wake up in the middle of the night, and when I return from the warm dreams to the cold reality, I can't help but cry.


This idiom is used to describe a place where there are very few people and it is deserted.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because of a dream? Do you often have the same dream?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



門前冷落(There are very few people in this place and it is very deserted.)

















































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