
A cow in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River felt very hot on a full moon night and kept panting(吳牛喘月)


A cow in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River felt very hot on a full moon night and kept panting(吳牛喘月)


During the Jin Dynasty in China, there was a famous minister named (Man Fen).

There is a story about him in the history books.


He is very afraid of the cold, and his body doesn't like to be blown by the wind. When he is at home, he closes the windows.


One winter, while he was at home, a guard suddenly came to his house.


The guard said to him.

The King has a very important matter for you to attend to at the moment, so the King has sent me to take you to his study to see him.


The weather that day was extremely cold and the wind was extremely strong. He ignored his discomfort and followed the guard to the King's study in the palace.


He had never been in the king's study before. When he entered the king's study, he saw that all the windows of the king's study were open. He began to tremble and became very pale.


When the king saw him trembling, he smiled and said to him.

Why are you shivering? It's very warm in my study.


Only then did he see clearly that the windows of the king's study were specially made and the windows of the king's study were inlaid with transparent coloured glass.

This design allows the king to read easily during the day.


Embarrassed, he said to the king.

Because I am very afraid of the cold and my body doesn't like to be blown by the wind, when I entered your study just now, I didn't notice that the windows in your study were covered with transparent glass.


I mistakenly thought that the windows of your study were open, and the fear in my heart made me delusional.

That is why I have just trembled and turned pale.


I'm like the cattle on the lower Yangtze River in southern China. The cattle in the lower Yangtze River are afraid of heat, so if you take a cow out of the pen on a full moon night, the cow will mistake the bright full moon for daylight. sun, so the cow will feel hot and pant all the time.


This idiom is used to describe that the weather is very hot.

This idiom is used to describe a person who comes across something that frightens them. This person is so frightened that he loses his ability to judge.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What are you afraid of? Have you ever had a delusion because of your fear?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



吳牛喘月(A cow in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River felt very hot on a full moon night and kept panting)








































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