
He formulated combat strategies in the military camp(謀謨帷幄)

He formulated combat strategies in the military camp(謀謨帷幄)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Deng Yu).

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


The founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty was Liu Xiu. After he joined the camp that Liu Xiu founded, Liu Xiu asked him to lead the army in several battles.


He led the army with very clear rules, and the soldiers in his army were very disciplined.

When his army was marching, he asked his soldiers not to rob or use violence against ordinary civilians.


At that time, other revolutionary armies and warlords' military management was very loose. Other revolutionary armies and warlords' armies often robbed ordinary people of their money and food while marching.


So his reputation is very good. When his army passes through a place, the people of that place will take the initiative to welcome him and his army.


He showed a very friendly attitude to these ordinary people whom he did not know, and he was welcomed by the people wherever he went.


After several battles, Liu Xiu made him the prime minister of the country and asked him to govern all the people in the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

At his inauguration ceremony, Liu Xiu addressed all the ministers.

Liu Xiu said

Deng Yu was a very filial and loyal man. He was my good partner on the battlefield. I worked with him many times to formulate battle strategies in the military camp at the front of the battlefield.

He's very intelligent and has a lot of good advice.


I feel like Confucius in ancient China, and he is like Yan Hui, a disciple of Confucius.

Yan Hui was the most outstanding disciple of Confucius. Not only did he have a good moral character, but he was also able to unite the centripetal force of Confucius' disciples, so Confucius liked Yan Hui very much.

I like him as much as Confucius liked Yan Hui.


He has won many battles for our kingdom. Although he is only 24 years old, I will give him a very important position starting today.

I ask him to be in charge of all the people in our current territory. I believe he will treat all the people with a generous heart. He will teach all the people how to improve their personal ethics and morals. He will make all the people treat us with more centripetal force.


This idiom means that he formulated the battle strategy in the military camp.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Do you agree with the behaviour of the current leaders of your country? If you were asked to take on a very important position now, do you think you are qualified enough for this position?

I hope this story can help you gain something.



謀謨帷幄(He formulated combat strategies in the military camp(謀謨帷幄)






































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