
He voluntarily leaves this position after completing the work, he does not take credit.(功成身退)

He voluntarily leaves this position after completing the work, he does not take credit.(功成身退)


There was a famous general in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China. His name was Deng Zhi. There is a story about him in the history books.


His grandfather helped the founding king of the Eastern Han Dynasty to establish the Eastern Han Dynasty.

His father was a very important general in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

His sister was the queen of the Eastern Han Dynasty and several of his brothers served as important officials in the Eastern Han Dynasty.


After the death of his sister in 121 AD, the king of the Eastern Han Dynasty ordered everyone in his family to be relieved of their duties. The king of the Eastern Han Dynasty even ordered the confiscation of the property of everyone in his family.

Everyone in his family was expelled from the capital, many members of his family were exiled to border towns in the Eastern Han Kingdom, and several of his brothers were forced to commit suicide.


He believed that he was very loyal to the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After this great blow, he went on a hunger strike and committed suicide.


After his death, a very righteous minister said to the king

After I say these words, you may remove me from my position or even kill me, but I would still like to express my opinion to you.

He said.

I think the late queen was a kind and wise person, and she made great contributions to our Eastern Han Kingdom.

Her brothers are very loyal to the Eastern Han Kingdom, and her brothers are very attentive to helping you manage and govern the Eastern Han Kingdom.


Originally, you were not qualified to inherit the throne, but because the late queen thought that you were a compassionate and caring person, she and her brothers fully supported you, and you were able to become the king of the Eastern Han Kingdom.


This is what her brothers said to you after helping you become the king of the Eastern Han Kingdom.

We think our talents are not enough, so we want to resign as ministers and live like ordinary people.

But because the late queen asked her brothers to stay and help her rule the Eastern Han Dynasty, her brothers agreed to continue working in the central government.


Her brothers were very humble and kind. Her brothers did not want to rebel. Your brothers were framed.

Her brothers are deeply trusted and respected by all the people, but all the members of her brothers' family were severely punished by you. This incident has tarnished your image in the eyes of the people.

So I beg you, I hope you will re-investigate this case, I believe her brothers are innocent, I hope you can restore the honour of her brothers' family.


Because this incident caused great anger and protest among the people, the king later agreed to re-investigate, and the king restored his family's reputation after the re-investigation.


The meaning of this proverb is used to describe a person who takes the initiative to leave a position after completing a task. This person does not take credit.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

If you were that minister, would you dare to speak out? Do you think the King would reopen the investigation if the people did not protest?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



功成身退(He voluntarily leaves this position after completing the work, he does not take credit.)










































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