
My name can be recorded in history books(名垂竹帛)



My name can be recorded in history books(名垂竹帛)

There was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Deng Yu).

There is a story about him recorded in history books.


During the Western Han Dynasty in China, in order to cultivate more talented people, the king would open a school in the capital and let outstanding students from all over China study in that school.

If these students did well academically and behaved well, they could work in the central government after graduation.


He was very clever. When he was 13, he studied in the capital of the Western Han Dynasty. His academic performance was very good and he met many nobles.

It was here that he met Liu Xiu, who later founded the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After the fall of the Western Han Dynasty in 8 AD, he left the capital of the Western Han Dynasty and returned to his hometown.


After the fall of the New Dynasty of China in 23 AD, warlords across China relied on their own military might to define their own spheres of influence.

Several warlords invited him to join their camp, but he refused.


He took the initiative to find Liu Xiu, and when Liu Xiu saw him, he said to him

We have not seen each other for more than ten years. I am very happy to see you today. Why have you come to see me?

Do you want to join my camp now that I have my own sphere of influence?

What kind of position do you want? I can arrange it for you right away?


He said to Liu Xiu with a smile.

The main reason I came here is not to work under you.

The main reason I came to you is because I want my name to be written in the history books.

According to my analysis, you are the person most likely to unite all of China. Your talents and moral character far surpass those of other warlords. That's why I came to you.


Liu Xiu laughed and hugged him after hearing what he had said.

The two of them chatted all night that night, discussing their respective views on the current situation in China.


This idiom means that a person's name can be recorded in history books.


Dear friend, what inspiration or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What would you like to leave in this world after you die? Do you have such good friends that you can talk all night?

I hope this story can help you gain something.



名垂竹帛(My name can be recorded in history books)































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