
The team is falling apart(分崩離析)


The team is falling apart(分崩離析)


There was a famous minister in the Eastern Han Dynasty of China, his name was (Deng Yu).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In the process of Liu Xiu establishing the Eastern Han Dynasty, he put forward many important suggestions.


In his first separate meeting with Liu Xiu after joining Liu Xiu's camp, he said to Liu Xiu.

You and your cousin are both members of the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty. Your cousin controls the largest force in China, but I choose to join your camp instead of working for your cousin.


According to my observation, although your cousin's current military strength is the most powerful among all warlords, the team led by your cousin is splitting and disintegrating.


Several important generals in the camp led by your cousin all have their own armies. These generals join your cousin's camp because they can get a lot of benefits if your cousin becomes king.


The biggest purpose of these generals supporting your cousin is that they want to gain more power for themselves and plunder more money. These generals have no ideals and ambitions. These generals only covet the vanity and glory in front of them.

They are not loyal to your cousin, and they are not wise enough to judge the future situation.


Nowadays, many warlords and revolutionary armies have emerged in China. These different military forces have a common goal. These different military forces want to eliminate other forces and make their own forces stronger.


Therefore, I would like to put forward my suggestion here. I think the most important thing for you now is to find ways to attract more outstanding talents to your camp and allow these talents to display their abilities in your camp.


You should also take good care of the people within your sphere of influence, because only when the people support you can you have a solid power base.


I sincerely believe that your talents surpass all the current warlords. You will definitely be able to unify the entire China and restore the happiness and security of the people in China.


After Liu Xiu heard what she said, Liu Xiu said to him happily.

Your suggestions are very good. The two of us will discuss how to implement your suggestions immediately.


This idiom means that the team is falling apart.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

What do you think are the three most important things to do this year? If these three things are the most important to you, have you already started doing them?

I hope this story can help you gain something.



分崩離析(The team is falling apart)





































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