
Friendship between Yang and Lu (羊陸之交)


Friendship between Yang and Lu (羊陸之交)


During the Three Kingdoms era in China, there was a famous general in the Soochow Kingdom, his name was (Lu Kang).

There is a story about him recorded in the history books.


In 266 AD, a minister of the Cao Wei Kingdom took military control of the Cao Wei Kingdom. The minister announced the establishment of his own kingdom, which became the Kingdom of Jin, which later unified all of China.

Lu Kang lived during this period.


He led the army that guarded the border between the Soochow Kingdom and the Jin Dynasty for many years.

The name of the general stationed at the border between the two kingdoms during the Jin Dynasty was (Yang Hu).


(Yang Hu) is different from other generals in that he has a very upright character and handles the relationship between the two kingdoms in a very gentle way.

(Yang Hu)'s army ran out of food on several occasions because the logistical supply of food could not be provided.

(Yang Hu) took out silk, which was very valuable at that time, and exchanged rice with the farmers of the Soochow Kingdom.

(Yang Hu) did not rely on the mighty power of the Jin Kingdom to take away the agricultural products of the Soochow Kingdom's farmers.


(Yang Hu) restrained the troops of the Jin Kingdom from provoking disputes, and (Yang Hu) ordered his soldiers not to hunt at will in the territory of the Soochow Kingdom.


In the face of (Yang Hu's) actions, (Lu Kang) said to his soldiers

Yang Hu treats us kindly, so we should also treat them kindly.

We can live in harmony with them on this land.


In view of (Yang Hu's) actions, (Lu Kang) said to the king of the Soochow Kingdom at that time.

People should treat each other with justice and honesty, shouldn't kingdoms do the same?

(Yang Hu) treat us with justice and integrity. If we do not treat them in the same way, all the people in our kingdom will turn to the Jin Kingdom because of our injustice and dishonesty.


The direct translation of this idiom means the friendship between Yang and Lu.

This idiom means that even though they are enemies, they still treat each other with integrity.


Dear friend, what inspirations or thoughts do you have after listening to this story?

Does your country have harmonious relations with its neighbours? Do you treat your friends with justice and integrity?

I hope this story can give you some new insights.



羊陸之交(Friendship between Yang and Lu)






































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